Back to All Events Roundtable: Victorian Material Culture Tuesday, May 4, 2021 10:00 AM 11:15 AM Google Calendar ICS With Elizabeth Bassett (U of British Columbia), Shalini Le Gall (Portland Museum of Art), Deborah Lutz (U of Louisville), Morna O’Neill (Wake Forest U), Deborah Wynne (U of Chester), Maria Zytaruk (U of Calgary)
Roundtable: Victorian Material Culture Tuesday, May 4, 2021 10:00 AM 11:15 AM Google Calendar ICS With Elizabeth Bassett (U of British Columbia), Shalini Le Gall (Portland Museum of Art), Deborah Lutz (U of Louisville), Morna O’Neill (Wake Forest U), Deborah Wynne (U of Chester), Maria Zytaruk (U of Calgary)